Sorry its been so long since I've posted a fashion post, been busy with photography, work etc... Anyway its officially the holiday season!! yay! I got this sweet hat from Forever21, I'm going to Lake Tahoe for new years so I think I'll get some good use out of it. I've also got an LF sequin crop top on and various vintage rings. I know the dark lipstick thing is HUGE this season, but I haven't really gotten into it until recently. CVS was having a revlon sale so I bought a bunch of lipstick, this one is called black cherry, I think it goes well with my new fire red hair (thanks to Drea V)
Hopefully I'll be posting more outfits, inspirations, etc... I just need to get back into it, anyway purple lounge as always Friday so some more sweet poloroids for you guys to check out :)
BTW, although I love forever21, kind of getting annoyed with all their knock offs, I walked in there the other day and there are so many blatantly copied things from designers, its so annoying, bleh.... I'm sort of getting over the sequin trend too, lately i've been loving vintage t-shirts, ripped tights, sky high platforms (check out the Jeffrey Campbell Alexa's and Sam Edelman Zoes), hats (not fedoras), rings, dark lipstick, red hair (i mean i always love it, but have you noticed tons of magazines are using redheaded models now?) and i still love black but am loving nude/cream oversized tops and slouchy dresses paired with ripped tights and denim jackets/vests
Hope you enjoy the pics, more trends and inspirations to come soon i promise!